Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Helen Elizabeth Griffiths is an educationalist and an expert in women's health and is a Graduate of the Essentially Flowers Diploma in Flower and Vibrational Essences.
Although Helen had taken essences before, when she began the Diploma she was tired due to over-functioning in her masculine energies for far too long. As she took the journey with us (over 2 years) she began to allow herself to live much more from her feminine energies, surrendering to many of the aspects of her life that she had been "controlling" and allowing herself to live from the Divine Timing of her body rather than her mind.
Helen's journey with flower essences has allowed her to Awaken her own Divine Blueprint and to be a catalyst to her own soul mission. From this place she is able to receive more love, and feels deeply nourished from being able to love from a brand new space.
If you'd like to find out how our accredited Diploma in Flower and Vibrational Essences can support you not only to gain a professional qualification but also to become the person you were born to be. From that place so much more is possible.https://www.saraestelle.com/ef-welcome-essentially-flowers/diploma-in-flower-vibrational-essences-2/
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Jan Coulson, Sacred Rising group member and Graduate of the Essentially Flowers Diploma in Flower and Vibrational Essences, and I had a chat about the flower essences she has been using to help keep her feeling safe and confident whilst working as a front line worker in Sainsbury's.
Jan shares how it has felt for her to work here in such uncertain times, which essences she has used and how she has been using them and how they have helped her.
You can find out more about our Diploma in Flower and Vibrational Essences below (now totally online and still accredited and insurable) https://www.saraestelle.com/ef-welcom...
To find out more about Jan's work visit https://www.ourtrueessence.com/
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Cristiana Blasutta is an international Life and Health Coach. Through her work she’s helped hundreds of people to find “an inner voice of wisdom” that leads anyone to find their mission in this lifetime.
Cristiana received her training from the CTA (Coach Training Alliance) and from the IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) while she was living in the US. She spent 12 years in the Seattle area, and moved to Italy in 2016.Cristiana loves the beauty of life and she is attracted to beautiful souls. In her coaching, as well as in her personal life, she likes to go deep and create a “heart-to-heart” connection, the only one she believes can change lives for the better.
With her sensitivity and intuition, Cristiana will help you discover your inner light, your real beauty and shine.
Explore more of Sara Estelle's shows/podcasts here - there is an abundance of nature based inspirations https://www.saraestelle.com/nature-connections-podcast/
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
How to Stay Grounded in Times of Chaos with Muriel Pichard of the Atlantic Essences. Muriel shares what it means to be grounded in modern day times, the importance of feeling our emotions and what it also might feel like to be in chaos or out of balance.
Muriel also shares some of her own range Atlantic Essences that can help us stay "grounded" and some of the gem essences from the Alaskan Essences, Inc.
Find out more about Muriel's work and her Atlantic essences herehttps://theatlanticessences.co.uk/
Find out more about Sara Estelle's work herehttps://www.saraestelle.com/
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
As part of International Essence Awareness Week 2019 (run by the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association), Sara Estelle Turner interviewed Ian White of the Australian Bush Flower Essences. We spoke about how essences can help us take positive and empowering steps to enjoy our life here on Earth - staying Calm and Clear, protecting ourselves from modern influences (such as 5G), the beautiful Waratah that you see behind Ian in the video and the importance of gratitude.The Australian Bush Essences are featured as one of the ranges that are taught in our Diploma and Transformational Journey in Flower Essences. You can find out more herehttps://www.saraestelle.com/ef-welcome-essentially-flowers/accredited-diploma-in-flower-vibrational-essences/Find out more about the Australian Bush Essences herehttps://ausflowers.com.au
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
As part of International Essence Awareness Week 2019, Saskia Marjoram of Saskia's Flower Essences joins Sara Estelle Turner, Chair of the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association, to explore Using Essences to Stay Grounded during uncertain times. We discuss essences from different ranges and explore- Staying positive despite what we see around us- Getting on with our days and helping others to do the same- Following our life purpose and not straying from the pathWe hope you will enjoy watching
Sara Estelle runs a BFVEA Accredited Diploma and Transformational Journey in Flower Essences. You can find out all about the Diploma here
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Sara Estelle and Ann Callaghan of Indigo Essences explore the edge of where we are at in the world ... it truly is Make it or Break It time. Our wish and intention is that by sharing in this way today we will help tip the energies towards Making our Earth a Beautiful and Sustainable Planet and Home for all kingdoms.
Ann also shares about a brand new Indigo Essences range called "The Survival Series " - created especially to help us navigate these changing times.
You can find out more about them here: https://indigoessences.com/
To find out more about Sara Estelle's work with Nature and Feminine Business Flows, visit https://www.saraestelle.com/
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Julie was first introduced to essences in 1984 with Rescue remedy and this one essence opened up her whole journey. In 1993 she started working as a therapist in the field of Reflexology, seeing essences as a support and started to give clients essences which they found really useful. During her journey, essences have been the backbone of her life and she describes them as "bottles of magic". In 2004 Julie started making essences herself and the Lotus Holistic essences were born.
Join myself and Julie and find out about the Lotus Holistic Essences, Julie's Seaweed Essences and her ongoing journey with Weleda.
Find Out More about Julie and Lotus Holistic Essences
Find out more about Sara Estelle's work and download your FREE e-book "Ten Flower Essences to Transform your Complementary Health Practice "
Sunday May 20, 2018
Sunday May 20, 2018
Join Sara Estelle in her Nature Connections show as she speaks to Dr Nataleah Rose Schotte about Manifesting your Heart's Desires and her range of La Vie de la Rose Essences
Dr Nataleah Rose Schotte is a dynamic visionary and pioneer in the field of women's empowerment and healing. She is a highly developed and trained spiritual intuitive with over 30 years of experience as counsellor, speaker and teacher. Working with the Ascended Masters, she has birthed a unique and powerful Nature-based philosophy and system for quickening the evolution of consciousness.
As a Founder and President of La Vie de la Rose Essences, Dr Nataleah works closely with the Nature and Spirit Kingdoms to cultivate highly evolved flowers in her spiritual sanctuary in the United States. She has actively worked with flower essences for more than 30 years both personally and professionally. Dr Nataleah holds a Ph.D. in Spiritual/Therapeutic Counselling from the Open International University for Complementary Medicines and is an ordained minister through the International Council of Community Churches. She holds a Master's Degree in Industrial Relations from the University of Toronto.
Dr Nataleah is also the Chair of the Board of the S.H.E. Foundation, a non-profit organisation she founded to support the restoration of the sacred feminine through women's spiritual healing and their creative expression in the arts. She lives with her partner, Jonathan, in the Garden of Love at La Vie de la Rose.
Dr Nataleah and Sara Estelle talk about the importance of healing self-worth, evolving our own sense of magnetism and taking aligned action with the guidance of nature and the Goddess Magick range of La Vie de la Rose Essences.
Find Out More about La Vie de la Rose Essences and Dr Nateleah's work here https://laviedelarose.com/
Find out more about Sara Estelle's work and download your FREE e-book "Ten Flower Essences to Transform your Complementary Health Practice http://bit.ly/10floweressences
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Join Sara Estelle in the latest Nature Connections show as she speaks to Casey Jon about her passion to Be the Voice of the Animals and her range of WildHeart Animal Essences.
Casey Jon has been working with flower and vibrational essences for over seven years, and is registered as a Flower Essence Tutor and Advanced Practitioner with the Bfvea. She is also a member of BAFEP, and teaches as part of the Chalice Well Gardens Essence Team on its Flower Essence Practitioner Training course. For the past several years she was an integral part of Wild Medicine Essences. Casey is an animal loving essence practitioner and producer living on the slopes of Glastonbury Tor. She finds the wild and elemental nature of the Tor and its landscape deeply nourishing, a place where she can listen to the owls at night and watch the badgers, foxes, bats and deer that inhabit her garden, reminding her of her own innate wildness. It was this wildness that inspired her to create the Wildheart Animal Essences, to let the animals have a voice. She lives there with her husband and three cats.
Casey and Sara Estelle talk about the Wildheart Animal Essence range.These Essences have been co-created by Casey to give our native wild animals a voice to speak out, a way to be heard and to connect with us through healing. The essences began with connecting to the animals and co -creatively working with them to help heal our wild wound and to let them speak showing us how to do that, the wild wound is that, which stops us connecting with nature and our beloved mother earth. Also when connecting with the wild animals, people make a personal connection with them and begin to care and understand
Find Out More about Casey and Wild Heart Animal Essences HERE
Download your FREE e-book "Ten Flower Essences to Transform your Complementary Health Practice HERE