
Saturday Dec 14, 2013
Saturday Dec 14, 2013
In this week’s Nature Connections show I interview Flower Essence Specialist and CranioSacral Therapist.Paul Strode M.I.P.T.I. is a flower essence specialist and CranioSacral therapist. He started Wildflower in 1999 with the aim of bringing plant energy medicine to a wider audience as well as an increased awareness to the health giving properties of wild flowers that grow in the countryside around us.Paul has developed a deeply intuitive connection with nature and through his extensive exploration and research into natural healing methods he has createdWildflower a range of English wildflower essences to aid and nurture our physical and emotional balance.In the second half of the programme I discuss flower essences for alignment during the Winter season - or any season of your life when courage and endurance is needed.

Friday Dec 13, 2013
Friday Dec 13, 2013
In this week’s Nature Connections show I interview Flower Essence Specialist and CranioSacral Therapist.Paul Strode M.I.P.T.I. is a flower essence specialist and CranioSacral therapist. He started Wildflower in 1999 with the aim of bringing plant energy medicine to a wider audience as well as an increased awareness to the health giving properties of wild flowers that grow in the countryside around us.Paul has developed a deeply intuitive connection with nature and through his extensive exploration and research into natural healing methods he has createdWildflower a range of English wildflower essences to aid and nurture our physical and emotional balance.

Friday Dec 06, 2013
Friday Dec 06, 2013
n this week’s Nature Connections show I speak to Kinesiologist and Permaculture Designer and Teacher Jo Barker. Jo shares how working with the land has been a passion since she was a child and how this has led her to working deeply with the earth as a designer of Paradise gardens where we are part of the wildlife . She recently won a gold award for her own garden. Jo believes that permaculture is a way of helping us live in harmony with ourselves and each other and that we need to be connected in a deep sense to wild nature to do this.Jo also shares her passion for foraging and speaks about edible plants that can be found at this time of year (December in Southern England) and talks about the benefits of kinesiology. Jo has worked wth community groups for 25 years designing parks and spaces, planting trees and runing environmental projects and is also active in the Transition movement.I also discuss common flowers that can be found in gardens and local parks/countryside and their messages as flower essences. Flowers discussed in detail are Pansy and Nettle Flower Essences.

Friday Dec 06, 2013
Friday Dec 06, 2013
In this week's Nature Connections show I speak to Kinesiologist and Permaculture Designer and Teacher Jo Barker. Jo shares how working with the land has been a passion since she was a child and how this has led her to working deeply with the earth as a designer of Paradise gardens where we are part of the wildlife . She recently won a gold award for her own garden. Jo believes that permaculture is a way of helping us live in harmony with ourselves and each other and that we need to be connected in a deep sense to wild nature to do this.Jo also shares her passion for foraging and speaks about edible plants that can be found at this time of year (December in Southern England) and talks about the benefits of kinesiology. Jo has worked wth community groups for 25 years designing parks and spaces, planting trees and runing environmental projects and is also active in the Transition movement.You can find out more about Jo by visiting her websitehttp://www.dynamic-equilibrium.co.uk

Wednesday Dec 04, 2013
Wednesday Dec 04, 2013
Join me Sara in this week’s Nature Connections as I speak to Natural Health Practitioner, Intuitive Healer and Founder of Gentle Green, Hannah Pearson. Hannah speaks about her own personal experience of healing eczema and how she has formulated Gentle Green Soothing Cream from local wild plants. Gentle Green cream won Gold in the Free From Skincare Awards this year (2013). Hannah also discusses the importance for anyone suffering from a skin condition of using and wearing pure organic cotton and how her mother founded Pure Cotton Comfort as a result of helping Hannah as a young child.This is invaluable listening if you or someone you know suffers from skin allergies and is inspirational for all to take better care of our skin and general health by paying attention and informing ourselves at to the quality of the clothes we wear next to our skin.I also discuss flower essences that are beneficial for the skin by raising self esteem and confidence and the difference between taking flower essences internally and topically.

Friday Nov 29, 2013
Friday Nov 29, 2013
Join me Sara in this week’s Nature Connections as I speak to Natural Health Practitioner, Intuitive Healer and Founder of Gentle Green, Hannah Pearson. Hannah speaks about her own personal experience of healing eczema and how she has formulated Gentle Green Soothing Cream from local wild plants. Gentle Green cream won Gold in the Free From Skincare Awards this year (2013). Hannah also discusses the importance for anyone suffering from a skin condition of using and wearing pure organic cotton and how her mother founded Pure Cotton Comfort as a result of helping Hannah as a young child.This is invaluable listening if you or someone you know suffers from skin allergies and is inspirational for all to take better care of our skin and general health by paying attention and informing ourselves at to the quality of the clothes we wear next to our skin.

Friday Nov 22, 2013
Friday Nov 22, 2013
In this week's Nature Connections I interview Flower Essence Practitioner and Producer, Shelley Sishton. If you have ever wondered what flower essences really do, then you will be interested to hear Shelley sharing her own personal journey. Shelley also discusses the science behind Flower and Vibrational Medicine and how new developments are evolving in her own life and practice.I also explore the history of using flower essences for healing and explain during which times of life flower essences may be beneficial.

Friday Nov 22, 2013
Friday Nov 22, 2013
In this week's Nature Connections I interview Flower Essence Practitioner and Producer, Shelley Sishton. If you have ever wondered what flower essences really do, then you will be interested to hear Shelley sharing her own personal journey. Shelley also discusses the science behind Flower and Vibrational Medicine and how new developments are evolving in her own life and practice.You can find out more about Shelley by visiting http://www.shelleysishton.com

Saturday Nov 16, 2013
Saturday Nov 16, 2013
This week's Nature Connections show is all about the heart. I interview Author and Life Coach Eoin McCabe. Eoin is an experienced coach and one of the first coach trainers in Ireland.

Friday Nov 15, 2013
Friday Nov 15, 2013
This week’s Nature Connections show is all about the heart. I interview Author and Life Coach Eoin McCabe. Eoin is an experienced coach and one of the first coach trainers in Ireland.I also discuss flower essences and essential oils to keep the heart open and peaceful. Valerian, Pink Rose and Rose Quartz Essences can all be purchased via http://www.moonfloweressences.com